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Viprogra (Sildenafil)
Viprogra (Sildenafil)

Viprogra (Sildenafil)


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Trade Name: Viprogra
Active Ingredient: Sildenafil
Formulation: Pills
Uses: Restores erectile function capacity
Action Begins: within 30-60 minutes
Effective: for 5 hours
Available Dosage: 100mg
CATEGORIES Men's Sexual Health
No delivery to USA
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Vipro Medication Overview

The Vipro medication is effective for situational elimination of erectile problems of different nature: psychogenic dysfunction associated with stress, psychological problems, and nervous disorders.

After it enters the body, it promotes the expansion of blood vessels and enhances the blood supply to the pelvic organs. At the same time, the drug affects the mechanism of the smooth muscles of the penis. 30-40 minutes after taking the pill, if a man is sexually aroused, a strong and prolonged erection occurs. The effect of the drug lasts for 5-6 hours.

Before using this drug, you should consult with your doctor, who knows the individual characteristics of the body and can give a qualified recommendation.

After consuming the pill, it should be washed down with plenty of water. Exposure to the drug does not interfere with food. The use of the drug with alcohol is allowed in small doses.


  • The Vipro pill is not recommended for people who do not fall into the age group of 18-75 years.
  • Patients with the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It is prohibited to take the drug at the same time as taking other means of erectile dysfunction.

Vipro Side Effects:

Dangerous side effects are usually not observed. The drug is well tolerated by men aged 65-75 years.

In rare cases, headache, dizziness, facial flushing, itching, palpitations, and tinnitus can occur.

Special care should be taken with Vipro dosage. When exceeding the dose recommended by a doctor, the patient may experience headaches, localized redness, nausea, increased pressure, and some other complications.

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Tobias Adler

Medical editor

Last updated: 3.03.2025