If to
consider the painkillers, then most of them are analgesics. These drugs can be
divided into two groups: narcotic and non-narcotic. The painkillers that can
suppress pain include morphine, promedol, omnopon, and many other means.
Non-narcotic pain medications include aspirin, paracetamol, analgin, and others.
Most often, they are used to relieve pain in muscles, teeth, a headache or
weakness from catching a cold. Also, such drugs can be divided into painkillers
and non-analgesics. There are also several categories here: carminatives (dill
water, carbol), antispasmodics (papaverine, no-spa), antihypertensive drugs,
vasodilators (nitroglycerin). If you feel severe pain, you should seek medical
help before using a strong painkiller.
Last updated: 21.03.2025